Saturday, 6 September 2014

Garden update - 6th September 2014

So much to do in the garden now that spring has arrived, but with constant rain it is too hard to do anything! From yesterday's trip to aldi, I stocked up on sugar cane mulch which now needs to be laid in the patch before the weeds start poking through. Also an impulse buy - seedlings of oregano and sage because I am too impatient to wait for my seeds to grow! But the way I see it, you can never have enough herbs. They are always getting used and this year I plan to use a lot of companion planting techniques to minimise pests as last summer was a shocker! So I want herbs and flowers bordering the entire veggie beds. Oregano is supposed to be great for detering many pests

2 packs of sugar cane mulch

Impulse buy! Herb seedlings, a few packets of seeds; sunflowers for my sunflower house I plan on creating, nasteriums for planting around cucumber and zucchini's and for feeding to the chooks (keeps down any internal parasites) and little river daisy seeds to plant around my water taps throughout the property for a bit of low maintenance colour. Oh and a new pair of gloves! 

I have started reading ' new plants from old' by Jackie French. I was very blessed to receive this book for free when I ordered a batch of seeds from an organic seed company! It talks about ways of propagating plants from fruit and veggies to flowers by collecting and sewing seeds to taking cuttings. Very inspirational! I'm just realising how easy it is to grow things without spending a tonne of money. I am hoping to save my own vegtable seeds for next year! 

I am hoping to plant out my cucumber and zucchini seedlings tomorrow if the weather clears up :-) 

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